Don’t Let Your Hoses Dangle


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As we always say, it is very important to be prepared for your dive. This includes being aware of your surroundings and securing your scuba diving equipment. One of the most common errors made by divers is that they let their hoses freely flow through the water. This is a big mistake and can cause a lot more damage than one would assume.

First off, dangling gauge consoles or diving octopuses can cause terrible damage to coral. These pieces of dive equipment can just drag through this living organism and cause it much harm. This harm isn’t just specific to coral. Swimming through the water with your hoses trailing can also destroy man-made artifacts that are present under the water. Besides disturbing the underwater objects and living creatures, you can also cause extensive damage to your scuba diving gear.

The repeated dragging along the bottom sand or different objects will scratch the surface of your gauge and computer faces. Not to mention, the dangling hoses act similar to anchors. They weigh you down and require you to use more energy as you pass through the water. The worst-case scenario would be that if the diving gauge is not securely fastened and dangling, it can get caught on an object and become either entangled or even ripped off. This incident is surely to be a dive ending.

So what can you do? It’s simple; make sure that your hoses are secured in an area known as the “golden triangle.” This is an area where your gauges can be reached quickly, and is located in the “triangle” formed by your neck and the sides of your waist. Not only does this area prove as an easy to reach location for you, but if a fellow dive buddy needs your octopus, they know right where they can find it. There are many ways to secure the hoses within the triangle. Clips, loops, cords, and fasteners will all work and they are all inexpensive. We at Dip N Dive offer all of these low-cost items, which are a necessity to prevent damage to the underwater world and to your gear itself.

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