Where Is My Buddy: What to Do if You Get Separated
Having someone at your side grants you a sense of safety and gives you confidence. Nevertheless, it may happen that you lose sight of each other during the dive. Getting separated from your buddy can be an unpleasant experience evoking anxiety and disorientation. So you should know how to prevent and deal with buddy separation if it does happen to you.
How to Be a Good Dive Buddy
Scuba diving goes hand in hand with a buddy system and we won’t be the first to tell you about its importance; however, with such a crucial topic as this one, repetition is more than necessary. For beginners, having a buddy on a dive is a must. That being said, even if you are a professional diver, a good buddy can literally be a life-saver in some situations. So, let’s look at why the buddy system is so important, how to find a good buddy, and how to become a better buddy yourself.
Underwater Photography Glossary
Getting into the world of photography can often feel like venturing into a new country with a foreign language that you do not know. To help you mingle among professional photographers and feel like a fish in the water, we’ve come up with a guide on the most important photography terms. Some of them cover photography in general while others are specific to underwater photography since to be good at it, you should understand the basic terms as well. Even if you’re familiar with many of these terms, you can use this glossary as a reference when you need to refresh your knowledge.
Shearwater Unveils the New Tern and Tern TX Dive Computers
Shearwater Research has recently announced the latest additions to its iconic line of dive computers - the new Tern and Tern-TX models. Designed specifically with sport divers in mind, the compact watch-style devices are reliable and simple to use, yet offer a host of powerful features.
Apple Enters the Dive Computer Market With the New Ultra Watch
If you are a scuba diver and also an Apple Watch fan, there is some good news for you - the Cupertino company has teamed up with Oceanic to launch a new Apple Watch Ultra that, when paired with the Oceanic+ app, can be used as a full-featured dive computer.
9 Best Dive Computers in 2024 [Reviewed & Updated] - DIPNDIVE
Adive computer is a complex piece of technology and a powerful data cruncher that can help you monitor all vital aspects of your dives. However, with all the different specs and options available on the market it can be difficult to find the one that will suit your needs. What’s more, there are new models coming out each year. So, we've come up with a list of some of the top dive computers of this year to help you discover the one that matches - how you dive.
Divers Found a Shipwreck with a 1927 Chevy Parked Inside
Divers in Lake Huron have recently discovered the wreckage of a ship named the Manasoo. While neat in and of itself, the wreck revealed another amazing piece of history: a 1927 Chevrolet Coupe. Despite spending 90 years 200 feet (61 meters) below the surface of Georgian Bay, both the ship and the automobile are in excellent condition. The bow of the vessel is pointing up; the pilothouse, ship’s wheel, and lifeboats are all unscathed except for the invasive zebra and quagga mussels that almost completely cover the surfaces.
Underwater Pumpkin Carving - Halloween Tradition for Scuba Divers
Halloween is almost here, and while most people are preparing costumes, putting out spooky decorations and stocking up on candy, scuba divers head to the sea equipped with pumpkins and carving knives.
OW Diver Students Take Written Exam Underwater
A New England dive shop has come up with an unusual approach to scuba examination. The divers finishing up their Open Water certification have an option to take the written exam while hovering underwater. East Coast Divers, an SSI shop based in Brookline, Massachusetts, says that taking the exam while neutrally buoyant is not a requirement for the program, but rather a challenge, created for the newly trained students to help them get completely comfortable underwater.