Ocean Sound and Underwater Noise Pollution
Ocean Sound and Underwater Noise Pollution
Marine Life Facts
Because underwater sound travels much faster than light, marine animals rely greatly on their hearing in various behavioral contexts. This is where the issue of underwater noise pollution comes into play. The man-made noise coming from coasts and offshore activities drowns out the natural sounds of the ocean disrupting this fine-tuned soundscape and causing much harm to marine life. Before we go into details about this issue, let us first find out more about the ways animals use sound underwater.
Ocean Sound and Underwater Noise Pollution
Ocean Sound and Underwater Noise Pollution
Marine Life Facts
Because underwater sound travels much faster than light, marine animals rely greatly on their hearing in various behavioral contexts. This is where the issue of underwater noise pollution comes into play. The man-made noise coming from coasts and offshore activities drowns out the natural sounds of the ocean disrupting this fine-tuned soundscape and causing much harm to marine life. Before we go into details about this issue, let us first find out more about the ways animals use sound underwater.
Shark Trust’s Great Eggcase Hunt - a Unique Activity for This Easter
Shark Trust’s Great Eggcase Hunt - a Unique Activity for This Easter
Instead of the traditional quest for chocolate treats, this Easter, consider taking part in an egg hunt with a difference. Join the Shark Trust’s annual event - the Great Eggcase Hunt and go exploring the beach in search of the washed-up egg cases of sharks, skates, and rays. The charity’s initiative is not just a fun day out for the whole family, but also a big citizen science project that helps marine animal conservation.
10 Creepy Ocean Animals
10 Creepy Ocean Animals
Marine Life Facts
While you’re finishing your Halloween preparations, we’ve come up with something creepy as well. Our world’s ocean is full of mystery and unexpected dwellers. Unlike all these demons and ghosts that are supposedly cracking into our dimension on the last day of October, the eerie creatures you’ll see in this article undoubtedly exist in reality. Some of them look like an absolute nightmare! As the saying goes, don’t dive too deep without a buddy, for the waters are dark and full of terrors.
Why Are Reef Fish Colorful
Why Are Reef Fish Colorful
Marine Life Facts
Every year, thousands of divers and snorkelers travel great distances to enjoy the extravagant beauty of the coral reefs. Indeed, the stunning tones and intricate patterns of its inhabitants are fascinating. But have you ever wondered why reef fish are so colorful? As it turns out, this question is more complex than one might think.
How Ocean Pollution Affects Humans and What We Can Do About It
How Ocean Pollution Affects Humans and What We Can Do About It
Ocean Conservation
Those of us who do not live right near the ocean, perceive the water pollution issue as something far distant. We often hear such numbers as 8 million tons of plastic being thrown into the ocean every year or 51 trillion of microplastic particles residing in the World Ocean, or that 80% of all garbage in the water is made of plastic. However, for some reason, we are not touched by these figures and remain passive.
Fun Facts About Hermit Crabs
Fun Facts About Hermit Crabs
Marine Life Facts

Hermit crabs are fascinating little critters with quite a few surprises. These crustaceans belong to the superfamily Paguroidea. There are 7 different families and around 1100 species of hermit crabs living in many places around the world. All hermit crabs can be divided into two groups - aquatic and terrestrial. Interestingly, members of both groups breathe using gills. Aquatic hermit crabs get their oxygen from the water, while land hermit crabs need a humid environment to keep their gills moist. Marine hermit crabs can be found both in shallow coastal waters and in the deep sea.

Diving and Snorkeling with Turtles - a Sustainable Approach
Diving and Snorkeling with Turtles - a Sustainable Approach
Marine Life Encounters

Sea turtles are among the most incredible and charming creatures populating our oceans. They have existed for over 150 million years, which is long enough to have seen the rise and demise of dinosaurs. So, it doesn't come as a surprise that swimming with these ancient reptiles is one of the most sought after and treasured experiences for many divers and snorkelers around the world. That being said, it is important to remember, that we are guests in the ocean and should treat all marine life with respect.

Jellyfish: Facts and Fiction
Jellyfish: Facts and Fiction
Marine Life Facts
November 3 is the World Jellyfish Day, and we have decided to celebrate the event by recalling some of the most interesting facts and debunking common misconceptions about these fascinating creatures. So, let’s get started!
Manatee vs. Dugong - What’s the Difference?
Manatee vs. Dugong - What’s the Difference?
Marine Life Facts
Both manatees and dugongs, nicknamed "sea cows", are slow-moving herbivorous (mostly) marine mammals that belong to the Sirenian animal order. The first sailors were persuaded that these creatures were sirens (or mermaids), hence the name of the order. There are five known species of Sirenia - the West Indian manatee, the Amazonian manatee, the West African manatee, the dugong, and the extinct Stellar’s sea cow (hunted to extinction in the 18th Century). Although manatees and dugongs have a lot in common, they are oceans apart in terms of location, biology, and behavior.
Coral Etiquette 101 - Reefs Are Not Rocks
Coral Etiquette 101 - Reefs Are Not Rocks
Marine Life Encounters
Coral reefs worldwide are attracting increasing numbers of scuba divers, snorkelers and freedivers. Unfortunately, those same visitors who come to admire them are often causing damage to corals and the marine life they support. One of the reasons for this is the lack of knowledge and/or proper training. People often forget or don't care to pay attention to the marine life around them. Some don't even realize that corals are living organisms.
Squid vs. Octopus - What’s the Difference?
Squid vs. Octopus - What’s the Difference?
Marine Life Facts
Octopuses and Squid are both head-footed aquatic animals that fall under the molluscan class Cephalopoda. Both these creatures live in salt water, their blood is blue due to the presence of copper in it, they have three hearts each, and, quite frankly, look a lot alike. However, if you dig deeper into their anatomy and how they function, you’ll see that they differ in their physical characteristics, habitat, and behavior.
Respect for the Manatees
Respect for the Manatees
Marine Life Encounters
Most divers consider an encounter with a marine mammal to be an otherworldly and magical experience. Manatees, for example, are among the most beloved animals that everyone tends to flock to. However, sometimes a desire to interact with them can put these charming creatures in danger. So it is important to follow a few simple guidelines to avoid harassing or disturbing the animals.
The Blue-Ringed Octopus: Cute but Deadly
The Blue-Ringed Octopus: Cute but Deadly
Marine Life Encounters
The Blue-Ringed Octopus, affectionately called the BRO, is a very special little creature. Its beautiful psychedelic coloring makes this cephalopod a highly sought after subject for many underwater photographers and naturalists. However, behind the adorable exterior is something even more extraordinary - a venom that is 1,000 times more powerful than cyanide and that has earned this shy octopus a spot among the most lethal creatures of the sea.
Antifreeze Proteins: Why Fish Don’t Freeze in the Antarctic Ocean
Antifreeze Proteins: Why Fish Don’t Freeze in the Antarctic Ocean
Marine Life Facts
It’s officially the last day of winter (in the Northern Hemisphere at least), which means that we will soon be able to enjoy warmer weather, telltale green shoots popping up here and there and birds singing early in the morning. However, there are parts of the world that remain covered by ice year-round, namely the polar regions. The annual mean temperature at the South Pole is -76F (-60C) in winter and -18F (-28.2C) in summer. The annual mean temperature at the North Pole is -40F (-40C) in winter and 32F (0C) in summer. So how do the animals that live there manage to survive the region’s frigid, dry climate and relentless winds?
99% of Green Sea Turtles Are Turning Female - Here Is Why
99% of Green Sea Turtles Are Turning Female - Here Is Why
Marine Life Facts
Green sea turtles do not develop into males or females due to sex chromosomes, like humans and most other mammals do. Instead, they have temperature-dependant sex determination, which essentially means that the temperature outside a turtle egg influences the sex of the growing embryo. It is this unusual biological quirk, scientists say, may endanger the future of these creatures in a warmer world.