The History of Diving
The History of Diving
Sofa Diving
Although history has not left us with a definite record of the origins of diving, nor can we pinpoint a specific date, we do know a great deal thanks to the numerous surviving written records left by our forefathers. The evolution of diving has had quite a history.
The History of Diving
The History of Diving
Sofa Diving
Although history has not left us with a definite record of the origins of diving, nor can we pinpoint a specific date, we do know a great deal thanks to the numerous surviving written records left by our forefathers. The evolution of diving has had quite a history.
New Year's Resolutions for Divers
New Year's Resolutions for Divers
Scuba Essentials
The tradition of New Year’s resolutions is old and well-known. When a year is coming to an end, it feels as if a milestone has been reached. The end of the year is also a great time for self-reflection. It is said that the only way to stay balanced is to constantly improve yourself. Therefore, make your New Year’s resolution for 2022 meaningful. As we all share our passion for diving, let us make our best effort to become better as individual divers and stronger as a community in the coming year. Here at DIPNDIVE, we’ve come up with a couple of ideas you can take as your own resolutions for the next year.
Basic Principles of Light Underwater
Basic Principles of Light Underwater
Scuba Essentials
Images with too much blue or green are a common problem for many beginner underwater photographers. Luckily this can be easily remedied. Read on to learn the basic principles of light underwater and the techniques that will help you capture the colorful and pleasing images you are hoping for.
Landbound: How to Stay Involved With the Diving Community
Landbound: How to Stay Involved With the Diving Community
Sofa Diving
With so many divers around the world staying at home due to the COVID-19 pandemic and longing to be back in the water, we have decided to create a list of activities that will help you channel your adoration for the underwater world and make the most of the time you’re spending on the shore. Now’s the perfect time to brush up on your knowledge, practice a few skills, read books, watch movies and listen to podcasts, you’ve been putting off for a while.
5 Best Diving-Related Movies
5 Best Diving-Related Movies
Sofa Diving
Although diving and ocean exploration have captured the imagination of filmmakers and audiences for decades, a good dive movie can be tough to find. The challenges of shooting underwater, combined with the very limited acting and little to no speaking truly make these films hard to do well. Still there are some that came out great, and below is our selection of top 5 diving-related movies.
Best Books For Divers to Read in 2020
Best Books For Divers to Read in 2020
Sofa Diving
Looking for a book to add to your 2020 reading list? Here are our picks of top books about diving that will expand your horizons and teach you something interesting. Whether you prefer fictional tales of underwater adventures, want to learn a new skill or are hunting for a colorful coffee table book detailing the world’s best dive sites, we’ve got something for you.
Tips for Dealing With Long Hair on a Dive
Tips for Dealing With Long Hair on a Dive
Scuba Essentials

Let’s face it, scuba diving and long hair don’t always go well together. Long flowing locks look gorgeous on land but can be a hassle to tame during and after a dive.  So, let’s look at a few tips on how to keep your hair out of the way during the dive and make sure it stays healthy and beautiful no matter how much time you spend in the water.

Nautical Terms FAQ
Nautical Terms FAQ

As a diver, you’ve probably heard quite a few nautical terms and phrases, wondering what they mean and where they came from. Why do sailors use port and starboard instead of left and right? What is a nautical mile and how is it different from a statute mile? Why is a ship’s speed measured in knots? In the following article, we’ll answer these and other frequently asked questions about boat terminology.

End of the Year Divers Digest: the Highlights of 2018
End of the Year Divers Digest: the Highlights of 2018
Divers Digest

2018 is coming to an end, but before we say goodbye to this year, let’s take a moment to look back at some of the most exciting diving-related news from the past 12 months.

Diving Lingo 101: Glossary of Terms, Phrases and Slang
Diving Lingo 101: Glossary of Terms, Phrases and Slang
Scuba Essentials
Diving is a rich sport when it comes to names, expressions, and technical words. It is pretty easy to get confused, if you are new to the diving scene. I remember going on one of my first boat dives and being asked if I was carrying a sausage. “Huh… I didn’t bring food”, I replied, which caused fits of laughter among my fellow divers. Yes friends, the learning curve was steep. To make it a bit easier for you, we have put together this glossary of the most commonly used diving-related terms, phrases, slang and acronyms.
Summer 2018 Divers Digest
Summer 2018 Divers Digest
Divers Digest
The fall is upon us, but before we say goodbye to the summer, let’s take a moment to look back at some of the most exciting stories that took place during this amazing fun-filled season.
Divers Digest of This Spring
Divers Digest of This Spring
Divers Digest
The spring is almost behind us, but before we jump into the fun summer season, let’s take a moment to look back at some of the most exciting diving-related news from the past three months.
9 Easy Things You Can Do to Save the Ocean
9 Easy Things You Can Do to Save the Ocean
Ocean Conservation
Now, more than ever, the fate of the ocean is in our hands. According to UCSB and NOAA, over 40% of the world’s oceans have been heavily affected by human activities. Overfishing, pollution and climate change have all left an indelible mark on ocean ecosystems. What most of us don’t realize though is that we often contribute to these destructive factors with ordinary things we do every day. Luckily, making even a few simple lifestyle changes can bring significant environmental gains.
10 Amazing Organizations Fighting to Save Our Oceans
10 Amazing Organizations Fighting to Save Our Oceans
Ocean Conservation
As divers, it is a given that we love the ocean and all the marine life in it. However, as the days pass, many of the famous and loved dive sites slowly decline in health and beauty. Luckily, recent years have seen a proliferation of nonprofit groups working on both a public and political level to save and protect our oceans. One of the best ways you can contribute to marine conservation is by joining one of these groups and donating to the cause. Here is a list of what we think are some of the best marine/ocean conservation organizations.
What Is Citizen Science And How Can It Affect Ocean Health
What Is Citizen Science And How Can It Affect Ocean Health
Ocean Conservation
Lately, the term citizen science has been something of a buzzword, however, the concept is really nothing new. Before science became a profession in the 1800s, amateur naturalists, who sought discovery in their leisure time, were collecting information in order to understand the world better. No wonder, that even after the science as we know it came to be, contributions from non-professionals continued. Yet, only recently has the profession of science reunited with leisure participation and the activity became popular.