Level Up Your Diving With Our Specialty Courses

Join the ranks of the modern day sport divers! Learn to use a different diver friendly breathing mix - NITROX. This course will provide the participants the information and certification necessary to participate in Nitrox diving. Nitrox is now available at most tropical destinations as well as here at DIPNDIVE for local dives, to help make your diving safer.
Price: $175.00 per diver. Includes materials, registration fees and certification card.
Dates: TBD

Learn how to prevent accidents and how to respond to in water emergencies. Join us for one lecture and two days of open water diving to focus on accident prevention through education. Topics will include accident analysis, diver stress, environmental factors, proper planning, equipment and situational awareness. Open water activities will include pre-dive checks, signs of stress, diver assists, locating a missing diver and performing a complete rescue. The course is required for all Divemaster and Instructor candidates and is highly recommended for dive team members or any diver who wants to be the best diver they can be.
Price: $299.00 per diver
- Lecture - Tuesday, 6/18/24 @ 6pm – 10pm (DIPNDIVE)
- Open Water - Saturday, 6/22/24 @ 9am – 1pm (Windmill Quarry – subject to change)

Earn certification in all three areas of emergency management. These certifications fulfill all requirements for rescue divers, divemasters and instructor level courses. This is also an invaluable course for those who just want to be a "good diving buddy".
Price: $329.00 per diver
Dates: TBD

Share the beauty of the underwater world with your buddies and non diving friends! Learn how to take underwater photos! The class will be geared towards new photographers and will highlight the most popular cameras in use today. Learn basic techniques, picture composition, care and maintenance and problem solving. The course includes two classroom seminars and a water session to practice your techniques. All cameras, film and processing is included but you are encouraged to use your own camera if you have one. Whether you already have a camera or are thinking about getting one, this class is for you.
Price: TBD
Dates: TBD

DIPNDIVE's Ice Diving course, the only one of its kind in WNY, offers exciting diving plus Ice Diver certification through SDI upon completion. The course includes a classroom session, under the ice dives and a winter cookout. The course topics include: Psychology of ice diving, physiology of cold water diving, ice diving equipment, site choice and preparation, responsibilities and procedures for tenders and emergency procedures and site closing. The course is limited to divers who are at least 18 years of age and have at least Advanced Diver certification. This is a specialty course and upon completion the divers will receive ice diving certification
Price: TBD
Dates: TBD

If you are curious about technical diving or you would just like to make some improvements to streamline and maximize your current equipment this seminar is for you. In the classroom we will introduce you to the standard gear kit used by cave and technical divers and the theory behind it. In the 1st pool session we will let you try out both single and double tank kits, stage and deco bottles and other technical gadgets. If you want to make some improvements to your own equipment we will offer advice and guidance and in the second pool session you can try out your modifications under the watchful eye of our instructors.
Price: TBD
Dates: TBD

Going on vacation? Learn how to snorkel properly to maximize safety and fun. This is where you’re adventure begins! Snorkeling is great fun whether you’re in your backyard pool, going on a cruise or taking a once in a lifetime vacation. Private Classes include a ½ hour orientation where you will learn all about your snorkeling equipment and one snorkeling lesson ½ hours in the pool where you will learn how to use equipment safely! You can use your own equipment or we will provide the equipment for you to learn with. Our professional staff of Instructors and Divemasters will show you how easy it is to become a “Snorkeler” and begin your adventure learning about the underwater world.
Price: $120.00
Dates: TBD
If you don’t see a class that currently fits your schedule, give us a call at 716-837-DIVE (3483)!
Related Activities

Advanced Diver Course
Increase your understanding of scuba diving, explore new dive sites and try 5 exclusive activities under the supervision of our experienced instructors.
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Master Diver Course
Earn the highest non-leadership level of scuba certification. Take part in our most challenging and exciting course, featuring 6 seminars and lots of hands-on diving experience.
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