Ocean Reef Presents The First-Ever Snorkeling Communicator

Here is an exciting piece of news for snorkelers - Ocean Reef has recently presented a device that allows you to communicate with your buddies while snorkeling even if you're far apart.
The invention, called Snorkie-Talkie, includes a transmitter that needs to be snapped onto the tube of your full face snorkeling mask and an integrated speaker that connects to the transmitter via a silicone hose.

The cool thing about it is that you can talk directly into your mask. What’s more, there are 4 different channels for separate communications. You can even talk back to the boat or shore, as the device is compatible with standard radios. Ocean Reef also promises to release a specific Snorkie-Talkie surface unit in 2018.
As for the technical features, Snorkie-Talkie is waterproof up to 3 meters / 6 feet, but does not work when the transmitter is submerged. The battery in the device is rechargeable and provides 8 hours of operating time. The signal range stretches up to 305 meters / 1000 feet any direction.
Would you like to try Snorkie-Talkie?