Proper Hydration for Scuba Divers
Proper Hydration for Scuba Divers
Diving Fitness
When you’re diving, surrounded by tons of water, dehydration may be the last thing on your mind. Because it seems so counterintuitive, fluid intake is often neglected or reduced to just “good practice” among scuba divers. In reality, diving dehydrates you faster than many other activities. So, staying properly watered is vital to safe and healthy scuba diving.
Scuba Diving While Pregnant - Research and Practical Considerations
Scuba Diving While Pregnant - Research and Practical Considerations

Is it ok for a woman to scuba dive while pregnant? The simple answer to this question is that the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, the Divers Alert Network (DAN) and most dive organizations recommend no diving for the duration of the pregnancy. However, the rationale behind the assumption that diving and pregnancy don’t mix is not so straightforward.