
New Year's Resolutions for Divers
The tradition of New Year’s resolutions is old and well-known. When a year is coming to an end, it feels as if a milestone has been reached. The end of the year is also a great time for self-reflection. It is said that the only way to stay balanced is to constantly improve yourself. Therefore, make your New Year’s resolution for 2022 meaningful. As we all share our passion for diving, let us make our best effort to become better as individual divers and stronger as a community in the coming year. Here at DIPNDIVE, we’ve come up with a couple of ideas you can take as your own resolutions for the next year.

Basic Principles of Light Underwater
Images with too much blue or green are a common problem for many beginner underwater photographers. Luckily this can be easily remedied. Read on to learn the basic principles of light underwater and the techniques that will help you capture the colorful and pleasing images you are hoping for.

Tips for Dealing With Long Hair on a Dive
Let’s face it, scuba diving and long hair don’t always go well together. Long flowing locks look gorgeous on land but can be a hassle to tame during and after a dive. So, let’s look at a few tips on how to keep your hair out of the way during the dive and make sure it stays healthy and beautiful no matter how much time you spend in the water.

Diving Lingo 101: Glossary of Terms, Phrases and Slang
Diving is a rich sport when it comes to names, expressions, and technical words. It is pretty easy to get confused, if you are new to the diving scene. I remember going on one of my first boat dives and being asked if I was carrying a sausage. “Huh… I didn’t bring food”, I replied, which caused fits of laughter among my fellow divers. Yes friends, the learning curve was steep. To make it a bit easier for you, we have put together this glossary of the most commonly used diving-related terms, phrases, slang and acronyms.

7 Common Scuba Diving Myths And the Truth Behind Them
Scuba diving is an amazing activity that can help you discover the magical realm below the surface. While more and more people are becoming interested in diving, this sport is still surrounded by numerous misunderstandings and even plain-old myths. Unfortunately, those, who have succumbed to these misconceptions are likely to never try their hand at scuba diving. What’s more, even some well-educated divers believe and pass these untruths on to others. Therefore, we have decided to look at some of the most common myths about diving safety, physiology, marine life, etc., and reveal the truth behind them.