Dive Gear

Buying a BCD is one of the best investments you can make, as it will help you to become a more comfortable, confident, and efficient diver. That being said, with so many options available on the market, it can be difficult to decide which one is right for you. So, to help you choose the best buoyancy compensator for your setup, we’ve put together this list with short reviews of some of the best BCDs out there.

Every responsible diver should understand the importance of proper scuba gear maintenance. As a regular user, you should take your time to visually inspect, clean and perform any other necessary steps for pre- and post-dive care of all the pieces of your setup. However, another crucial part of your equipment care is a timely inspection and service by an authorized technician. Not only will it greatly prolong the life of your dive equipment, but it is also one of the best insurance policies for staying safe while diving. So, do you know how often you should have your gear serviced? Let’s try to answer this question in the following article.