Dive Gear

Handy Things to Do With Your Wetsuit Instead of Trashing It
A wetsuit is an important piece of gear for divers, snorkelers, and surfers alike. The main function of a wetsuit is to keep you warm in the water. So, thanks to its great insulating properties, neoprene has become the primary material used in the manufacturing of wetsuits. That being said, neoprene is basically a synthetic rubber and is not biodegradable, which means that it is better to keep it out of landfills for as long as possible

Packing Your Scuba Gear for Travel
Packing your scuba gear for travel can be quite a chore. You need to make sure everything fits in your bag, valuable and fragile items are protected and you are under the airline weight limit (if you’re traveling by plane). So, here are a few tips on how to get all of your gear around the world safely without breaking the bank.

Gear Maintenance: How to Care for Your Wetsuit
Taking good care of your wetsuit can make a huge difference in the lifespan of your suit and keep it functioning longer. Besides, it only requires a few easy measures. So let’s go over how to properly clean, dry, and store your wetsuit, as well as list a few things that you should avoid doing if you want your suit to look and feel great.

Long-Term Dive Gear Storage Guide
Scuba diving is something that’s hard to give up once you’ve tried it - it’s a surreal exhilarating and addictive experience. From time to time, though, either seasonally or due to other circumstances, you may need to put this hobby on hold and pack your gear away for long-term storage. Making sure you store your scuba equipment properly goes a long way towards prolonging its life. So, in this article, we have prepared some recommendations on where to store, and how to pack your gear so that it stays in tip-top shape.

Scuba Gear Maintenance: 10 Things You Should Never Do
Scuba diving is an equipment-intensive sport. We need our gear to breathe, see clearly and control our buoyancy underwater, yet it is amazing how many divers do not care for their equipment properly. Regular user maintenance includes visual inspection, cleaning, pre- and post-dive care, as well as correct handling and storage.

Dive Knives 101: Features And Maintenance
A dive knife is a useful tool not only for spearfishermen and technical divers, but for recreational scuba divers as well. This small accessory can make a huge difference in case you get caught in a fishing line, net or seaweed. A knife can also serve as an anchor to the sea bed in heavy current or a ‘tank-knocker’ to get your buddy’s attention. If you are looking to buy a dive knife, it is important to think what you are going to use it for and choose the right tool for the job. So, let us look at the few factors you need to consider to find the knife that will work best for you.

How Often Should You Have Your Scuba Gear Serviced
Every responsible diver should understand the importance of proper scuba gear maintenance. As a regular user, you should take your time to visually inspect, clean and perform any other necessary steps for pre- and post-dive care of all the pieces of your setup. However, another crucial part of your equipment care is a timely inspection and service by an authorized technician. Not only will it greatly prolong the life of your dive equipment, but it is also one of the best insurance policies for staying safe while diving. So, do you know how often you should have your gear serviced? Let’s try to answer this question in the following article.

Gear Maintenance: How to Take Care of Your BCD
A Buoyancy Compensator is one of the most important and costly items in your scuba gear set. If you want your BC to provide years of reliable service, it is your task to care for it properly. Good preventative maintenance can greatly extend the life of your BCD.

How to Check Whether Your Scuba Tank Meets the Safety Standards
The gas tank is among those pieces of scuba equipment that we don’t interact with directly when diving and, therefore, rarely pay attention to. However, it is of crucial importance to make sure that the tank you are using is in good condition, as it supplies you with air underwater. Not only your cylinder has to be of high quality, but it should also be periodically inspected and tested.
Don’t Let Your Hoses Dangle
As we always say, it is very important to be prepared for your dive. This includes being aware of your surroundings and securing your scuba diving equipment. One of the most common errors made by divers is that they let their hoses freely flow through the water. This is a big mistake and can cause a lot more damage than one would assume.