9 Best Dive Computers in 2024 [Reviewed & Updated] - DIPNDIVE

9 Best Dive Computers in 2024 [Reviewed & Updated] - DIPNDIVE

Dive Computers
Adive computer is a complex piece of technology and a powerful data cruncher that can help you monitor all vital aspects of your dives. However, with all the different specs and options available on the market it can be difficult to find the one that will suit your needs. What’s more, there are new models coming out each year. So, we've come up with a list of some of the top dive computers of this year to help you discover the one that matches - how you dive.
Best Scuba BCDs in 2022

Best Scuba BCDs in 2022


Buying a BCD is one of the best investments you can make, as it will help you to become a more comfortable, confident, and efficient diver. That being said, with so many options available on the market, it can be difficult to decide which one is right for you. So, to help you choose the best buoyancy compensator for your setup, we’ve put together this list with short reviews of some of the best BCDs out there.

Eco-Friendly Wetsuits: Everything You Need to Know

Eco-Friendly Wetsuits: Everything You Need to Know

Dive Gear Buying Advice
With the growing awareness about the negative impact of wetsuit manufacturing on the environment, more and more new materials and eco-friendly processes have been developed in recent years. The idea of environmental responsibility has finally been taken to the mainstream, allowing for the production of truly innovative wetsuits that perform as well as standard neoprene but are made of sustainable and ethically sound materials.
Scuba Essentials: Underwater Writing Devices

Scuba Essentials: Underwater Writing Devices

Dive Gear Buying Advice
Whether you are a new diver or an experienced dive professional, every now and then, you’ll find the need to write something down underwater, be it a quick message to a buddy, the species of fish you’ve encountered, a map of your dive site or some information for your logbook. Here is where various underwater writing devices come into play. Dive slates, scuba notebooks, magnetic boards, and wrist slates are all useful tools that facilitate underwater communication, education, and data collection.
Scuba Questions: What’s the Difference Between Cold and Warm Water Fins?

Scuba Questions: What’s the Difference Between Cold and Warm Water Fins?

Dive Gear Buying Advice
Is there a difference between diving fins for cold and warm water? Can you use one pair for both? We’ll address these questions in the following article. The biggest differences between fins used in warm water and cold water are the style of the foot pocket and, sometimes, the fin’s size and stiffness.
Snorkeling, Scuba, and Freediving Fins: What's the Difference

Snorkeling, Scuba, and Freediving Fins: What's the Difference

Dive Gear Buying Advice

Whether you're into snorkeling, scuba diving, spearfishing or freediving, fins are among the most essential pieces of equipment to have. They help you easily move through the water both on and under the surface. That being said, fins come in a variety of shapes and sizes, each designed for specific conditions and activities. In this article, we’ll share a few key differences between the various types of fins on the market so that you can decide which design will work best for your sport.

Dive Computer Algorithms For Dummies

Dive Computer Algorithms For Dummies

Dive Computers
All divers are taught how to use dive tables during their scuba course, but with dive computers becoming ever more widespread and affordable, most entrust calculating their safe dive limits to computer algorithms. That being said, very few divers know which algorithm their dive computer uses and what it means for their diving. So, let’s look at the theoretical models behind modern dive computer algorithms, the differences between the different options and the ways you can influence the algorithm.
Top 10 Accessories Every Scuba Diver Should Have

Top 10 Accessories Every Scuba Diver Should Have

Dive Gear Buying Advice
As we all know, scuba diving is an equipment-intensive sport - you need a tank and a regulator to breathe, BCD and weights help you to adjust your buoyancy, a mask enables you to see clearly, and your fins help you move. Furthermore, in addition to these essential pieces of gear, there are a few “nice-to-have” items, designed to make your dives more comfortable and enjoyable. So today we went in search of top 10 must-have dive accessories. Some of these items simply make your dives easier, while others can be real life-savers in case of an emergency.
Scuba Essentials: Save-a-Dive Kit

Scuba Essentials: Save-a-Dive Kit

Dive Gear Buying Advice

As scuba divers, we are very much reliant upon the gear we use, and, sometimes, even a minor equipment malfunction may become a reason you have to miss that long-anticipated dive. So, it is essential to carry a well-stocked save-a-dive kit that will help you handle basic, foreseeable issues and gear hiccups, such as a broken mask strap, dead computer battery or blown O-ring. The exact contents of a save-a-dive kit aren’t universal and will vary depending on the gear you use and the diving you do. Nonetheless, some things will be in most, if not all, kits. Below, you’ll find a list of items that should help you to troubleshoot the most common problems that may arise before, after or during a dive.

Dive Knives 101: Features And Maintenance

Dive Knives 101: Features And Maintenance

Dive Gear Buying Advice
A dive knife is a useful tool not only for spearfishermen and technical divers, but for recreational scuba divers as well. This small accessory can make a huge difference in case you get caught in a fishing line, net or seaweed. A knife can also serve as an anchor to the sea bed in heavy current or a ‘tank-knocker’ to get your buddy’s attention. If you are looking to buy a dive knife, it is important to think what you are going to use it for and choose the right tool for the job. So, let us look at the few factors you need to consider to find the knife that will work best for you.
Let There Be Light: How to Choose Dive Lights

Let There Be Light: How to Choose Dive Lights

Dive Gear Buying Advice
Having a good and reliable dive light is not only crucial for your safety when diving at night, but can also enhance your experience when you explore shipwrecks and other dim-lit areas during the day. Furthermore, in addition to its most obvious task - producing light, a dive torch serves another important purpose. It brings back the color that is filtered out as sunlight passes through the water. Let’s look at a few key factors to consider when shopping for a dive torch.
Scuba Gear: Buying vs. Renting

Scuba Gear: Buying vs. Renting

Dive Gear Buying Advice
No matter what activity I get myself into, the same question tends to arise over and over again - should I buy my gear or should I rent? The problem is that the answer to this question can be quite tricky. I have to consider a number of different factors, and when it comes to scuba, the issue is even more complicated, since in this case, we have to deal with a lot of life support equipment, that requires special care.
Gear Up According to The Waters You are Diving In

Gear Up According to The Waters You are Diving In

Dive Gear Buying Advice
There exists a wide variety of different scuba diving equipment, and the particular gear you need to use depends to the large extent on the type of diving you plan on doing. In this article, we will take a look at three common forms of diving that require some specific equipment - drift diving, deep wall diving, and night diving.

You Have to Have the Proper Gear for the Dive

Dive Gear Buying Advice
So many times I see Divers not properly equipped for what they are about to venture into, one reason, no proper training, they do not understand that they may need all this extra scuba equipment to do a certain type of dive. Take Ice diving, for instance, most people do not understand how much gear is needed to do a proper ice dive, they think it is just cut a hole in the ice and go diving. In the ice diving course, divers are shown a video of what can happen when divers decide to just do that.