Are You Properly Weighted?
Are You Properly Weighted?
Diving is, at heart, about control. Only when you are in control of your movement, air, and level of confidence, you can enjoy a great dive. One particularly important factor that influences your dive experience is how well you are able to manage your weight and control your buoyancy. When you are properly weighted, you will glide through the water naturally, like a marine creature. Furthermore, you will not spend your precious air fiddling with the BC valve controls to find a balance.
Scuba Skills: Buoyancy Control Tips
Scuba Skills: Buoyancy Control Tips
Precise control of your buoyancy is one of the most important skills every scuba diver should master. It helps to refine your ability to move through the water safely and makes you better at managing your air consumption. Good buoyancy is also what enables you to hover completely motionless or back out easily without using your hands and touching the fragile coral.