Underwater Photography Glossary
Underwater Photography Glossary
Underwater Photography
Getting into the world of photography can often feel like venturing into a new country with a foreign language that you do not know. To help you mingle among professional photographers and feel like a fish in the water, we’ve come up with a guide on the most important photography terms. Some of them cover photography in general while others are specific to underwater photography since to be good at it, you should understand the basic terms as well. Even if you’re familiar with many of these terms, you can use this glossary as a reference when you need to refresh your knowledge.
Beginner’s Guide to Underwater Photography: 5 Steps to Get Started
Beginner’s Guide to Underwater Photography: 5 Steps to Get Started
Underwater Photography
At one point or another, most divers start taking an interest in underwater photography. Many want to capture the memories of their undersea adventures and share them with their family and friends; some are willing to really learn the craft and create images worthy of getting published in magazines and websites; others still are simply looking for a new challenge. Regardless of where you fall on that scale, underwater photography can be incredibly rewarding, and yes, a bit tricky at times. So, here are a few tips to help you get started on the right fin.