Getting Ready for Dive Season
Getting Ready for Dive Season
Dive Planning
The spring is finally rolling around, and for many, it marks the beginning of a new dive season. Unless you live in a tropical climate or enjoy cold water diving, it has probably been a few months since your last dive, which means that both your gear and skills may have gotten rusty over the winter. So, here are some useful tips to help you prepare for the upcoming scuba season and make sure that everything is ready for you to get into the water.
Pre-Dive Equipment Check and Setup Guide
Pre-Dive Equipment Check and Setup Guide
Dive Planning
When you are about to dive underwater, your scuba gear is your life support, and having it properly setup is key to a safe and comfortable dive. Therefore, your pre-dive preparation and especially the equipment check shouldn’t be taken lightly. In case there are any equipment issues, it is important that you discover them before getting into the water.